Road Work

A new day dawns, bright with possibilities
Replete with opportunities for me to feel my aloneness
To feel me
Who I am  
Where I’ve been 
And what I’ve become

My morning greeting lies in my journal
Outpourings of my heart and mind

The air is crisp and fresh.  
The sense of newness on my skin

My ears are assaulted
Man made creations jackhammering other man made ugliness

The juxtaposition of the quiet feel of the air
The chirping of the birds
And the agony of the cacophony

It’s like my mind and my heart
Filled with joy and love
Growth and opportunity
Curiously and willingness to explore
Only to crash against the required harassment of man made structure

I lean into it
Seek the possibilities among the wreckage
What to salvage
What to gratefully discard
To make new.  Better
But always evolving

My road is as yet unpaved.
Perhaps it’s best that way

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